Large Collections Supporting Small Collections

Large Collections Supporting Small Collections
Presenter/discussion leader: Barbara Thiers, Director William and Lynda Steer Herbarium and Vice President for Scientific Research, New York Botanical Garden.
Date/time: 2 June 2014, 3:00 p.m. EDT [Please note date change, was 12 May]
Through leadership in several NSF-funded Thematic Collections Networks, NYBG has incorporated and coordinated numerous small collections in the digitization of vascular plants, bryophytes, fungi, and algae, all under the guidance of Barbara Thiers. Barbara will discuss the important role that larger institutions can play in ensuring the success and sustainability of smaller collections, especially in the dual roles of collections digitization and biodiversity data distribution. Barbara will also highlight potential involvement of small collections within the National Science Foundation’s Advancing Digitization of Biodiversity Collections program.
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